28 June 2004

My gay, retarded rant.

"Shut up, Fag!"
"This is gay..."
"Stop being so retarded!"

There are few things in life that bother me more than when people describe things they don't like as gay or retarded. These are usually the people who use fag as their most common insult. Read on, and you might all learn a valuable vocabulary lesson.

Gay. Once an innocuous word prominent in music and poetry, it now stands for the homosexual lifestyle. Some of you are also under the impression that it is a word you can use to describe a situation you don't find enjoyable. Well, you're wrong, fuckjacks. Nothing is more crude and revelatory of a simple mind than using "gay" to deride something. Get more creative, or just shut the fuck up.

Retarded. If you're saying that something has been delayed, you're in the clear. You're stupid, but in the clear. If you use "retarded" to express dismay, then you're a dumbass as well. It's not good enough for you to blatantly bash an entire concept of sexual identity with your limited vocabulary, is it? No! You feel the need to bring the mentally handicapped into this. By equating a bad situation to someone with Down's Syndrome, you're reminding them what a social outcast you think they are. Way to go, asshole!

Fag. This is just overused. There are so many more clever things to call someone. If you want to imply they're homosexual, try cocksucker. It's more satisfying to say. If you want to insult them, try insulting their family. That's usually good for a reaction. But quit saying fag, ass-hat.

I wanted this to be more structured and interesting to read, but fuck that. I'm certainly not politically correct, but I just cant stand gay, retarded, and fag in the negative context. You'll never win an argument if you use one of those words; you'll just end up looking like a drunken, raving redneck.

So shut the hell up.

20 June 2004

Camping Rocks!

Yay! I'm going camping next week. Sunday thru Tuesday, just me and Lyssa at Devil's Lake. And the weather is supposed to be absolutely perfect. I haven't been camping in two years, so I can't wait.

To me, this is the end all, be all of summer activities. Sure, you can drive around and stay in hotels, or just make a day trip of it, but there's just something about spending a few days in a row outdoors that's amazingly therapeutic. And Devil's Lake is probably one of the state's most beautiful spots. This is gonna be awesome!

One week and counting. I'm not gonna make it.

10 June 2004

Wireless Internet

...is definately not all it's cracked up to be. I'm typing this on my computer, but it's coming to you via my cell phone. Charter internet went down today in my neighborhood, so I got creative. I hooked my USB data cable to my phone and used my cousin's dialup account to get on the good ol' Interweb.

Man, I was actually complaining about Charter speeds vs the connection I had at UWO, but I think I truly appreciate broadband now, and shall never take it for granted again. This fone be slow.

Meh, I just wanted to blab about my cool technologies as usual. Of course, I can be on the forum any time I want since it's WAP enabled for my cell phone anyway, but I prefer the comfort of a real keyboard and a screen with 100X the pixels that my phone can display.

The cool thing about this is that if I take a computer to Puckaway to use as an MP3 jukebox, I can have Internet up there. We don't even have a septic system up there, but I could have Internet.
I know my priorities.

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