Thursday, December 01, 2005


Ahhh, its that time of year again.... The snow is falling, the mistletoe hung and everyone is starting to get cranky....yes, folks, its finals time. I'm already starting to feel the burn of finals. Did you know, as of this moment there are 6 class days left before finals. NOT long enough. Don't get me wrong, I want (NEED, actually) this semester to be over, but finals are killing me already. Well, just the thought of finals is ripping me apart already. My brain has started revolting already. I can't sleep- I just lay awake with my brain wandering off onto some random thought. ITs not on purpose eaither, theres nothing worse than being tired after you try to get some sleep. My problem is simple: I can't get my brain to turn off at night. I wish it were simple like just pressing a button, or (forgive me) regenerating like the Borg. Yes, Jeff has sucked me into Star Trek adn I am actually enjoying the occasional episode.... maybe thats my problem- star trek is sending me subliminal messages to not sleep and, instead it just wants me to watch more episodes like it feeds off of idle minds. So as you can see I am pretty sleep deprived at the moment (as evidenced by that tangent) and its disgusting that I'm already freaking out and stressed about finals. Anyone else in the same boat? maybe we can start a support group......

Isn't college wonderful........


Jeff said...

Resistance is futile, cutie. :)

12/02/2005 2:06 PM  

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